TIES Program
From School to Adult Life
Welcome to Transition In Englewood Schools (TIES)!
The 18-21 or TIES Program is designed for those students who have met minimum graduation requirements but who continue to need specific skill building in the areas of career exploration, mobility and transportation, job shadowing experiences, internships, and independent living skills. Each student will have a specifically designed program based on their interest and needs and will align with their transition goals. TIES assists with developing necessary tools to progress from high school to adult life.
Schedules are flexible for up to a full day based on individual needs.
Students may participate in the TIES program until their transition goals have been met or the end of the semester following their 21st birthday, whichever occurs first.
5 Transition Areas:
¨ Independent Living Skills: Utilizing public transportation, daily living skills, develop a personal budget or money-management system, independent living.
¨ Career/Vocational: Career exploration that would include job shadows, on-the-job training, job coaching, paid employment.
¨ Recreation and Leisure: Explore community recreation centers, plan and set up activities with peers, regularly participate in recreation activities.
¨ Social and Interpersonal Skills: Practice social skills for the workplace, explore community resources for social connections, and participate in group activities.
¨ Community Connections: Independent use of public transportation within the community, utilizing community resources for social and recreation activities, volunteer in the community, connect with a community college, connect with adult service agencies.
School to Work Alliance Program (SWAP)
SWAP is one of our terrific partners that exists through collaborative agreements among the Colorado Department of Education, the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, and local school districts. The agreements provide year-round services including counseling and guidance, job development, job placement, on-the-job training and job-site support to assist young people with disabilities to become employed and self-sufficient.
The Bring Your A Game to Work curriculum uses cutting-edge methodology to develop the seven foundational behaviors of work ethic that managers demand—Attitude, Appreciation, Attendance, Acceptance, Accountability, Appearance, and Ambition. The Certificate of Work Ethic Proficiency is the culmination of either in-person or online learning. The A Game prepares young adults for success at work as well as in life!
Where is the T.I.E.S. program located?
The Transition In Englewood Schools program utilizes a variety of community-based settings, employment sites and post-secondary facilities for service delivery. Including but not limited to...
Englewood High School
EPS Print Shop
Englewood Recreation Center
Englewood Public Library
Café 180
Pearl Street Rehab Center
Helping Our People Excel (HOPE)
Rocky Mountain Feline Rescue
City of Englewood
Mission Statement:
In partnerships with the students, families, and community resources, TIES strives to empower individuals to recognize their value and potential while instilling the desire to be life-long contributing members of their communities.